
Hello my guest, welcome to my blog. You can find here articles about various different topics. All the post on blog are splitted into three categories: mechanics, electronics and programming. I hope it can help you with choosing posts which may be interesting to you and avoiding domains you don’t like. Moreover I always try addings usefull tags.

I’m going to tell you something about me in case you wondering who is the author. I’m an programmer and I’m doing this form of art for many years. Furthermore I’m professional programmer and actually get paid for that so you can expect some practical posts with potencial business value. Besides programming my hobby is mechatronic, we can split that to mechanics and electronics. I have university degree in Robotics therefore I guees I may have some knowledge about mechatronics topics and I would like to share it with you.

One more thing before you leave this page. I have Youtube channel, where I upload my posts in video form. Check it out. And please feel free to leave comments if something is unclear and you need further explanation or you just want to leave your feedback. I’d appreciate that.